It's a BOY!

Diposting oleh fawaid on Jumat, 07 November 2008

I am home and doing well. Resting......trying to not be a busy body but our house is a bustling hive right now with excitement and other family events/news going on too.

I am sitting on my hubby's laptop so I don't have access to edit and post any fancy smancy cutesy edited photo. :) Just a good ol' photo of my newest addition! :)

After two hours of labor - yes he came fast and furious - he was born weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs. 14 oz. He was born with a double chin already and we are loving every inch, chubby cheek and roll he has. Thanks for all the well wishes from my previous post. I'm going to take some "quiet time" for a few days but I will be back soon!

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