Last gasp of summer

Diposting oleh fawaid on Senin, 14 September 2009

I went on a date with Ralph tonight. I even wore a pretty dress for the occasion.

Ralph's is my home away from home. My insta-mood lifter. My Williamsburg first love. He has saved me from certain death on many a hot day and provided me with dinner many a desperate night. When he closes for the winter I won't know what to do with myself.

ice cream
I always get the same thing. Half peach, half red raspberry water ice*, size small. Unbelievably, for the first time in three years, the time I had my camera to document the Ralph's experience, they were sold out of peach water ice. For the rest of the season. I burst into tears.

No, I didn't. But I did let out a highly embarrassing wail and said, half pleading..... "But you've alwaaaaays had it before....." Yes. I am a food service employee's worst nightmare. I made sure to tip an extra buck.

ice cream
I ended up getting a half banana, half coconut cream ice* and it tasted like sunblock would if sunblock was really really delicious. Big chunks of frozen bananas.

* Ralph's sells water ice, cream ice and ice cream. Don't be fooled by the big sign that says Italian ice. They refer to it as a water ice and it took me several months to wrap my brain around the idea that something called water ice could taste so good.

ice cream

Now to the real problem. Earlier this summer, on the very same block, another ice place opened up with a blue and white striped awning. I was all up in arms, how dare they encroach on my beloved Ralph's and Uncle Louie G's go back to Park Slope where you belong... until I noticed they have pumpkin ice cream. Oh shit. I love pumpkin ice cream.

ice cream

Ever pragmatic, tonight I asked the owner of Ralph's if he would be interested in selling pumpkin ice cream. He said no so quickly and in such a heavy Italian accent it made me question whether he even understood my question. Then he started rambling about how he used to make pumpkin ravioli, which sounded really tasty but didn't help me with the task at hand.

Sweet readers, do you stay unswervingly loyal to your local favorites? What's a girl to do?

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