Burner covers part 4 - Road Trip it!

Diposting oleh fawaid on Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Road Trip is part 4!

The purpose of these projects was to take a very inexpensive material (.50 each - that's cheap!) and challenge myself to see how many ways I think up to use a burner cover creatively! I hope you being inspired to create these same projects or possibly your own! 

My next idea: Road Trip! 

Burner cover
chalkboard paint
spray paint
permanent marker

For this "Road Trip" edition I created a fun lap game for kids (or adults!) of any age - Chalkboard and Tic Tac Toe!

Step 1: Paint the underside of 1 burner cover with chalkboard paint. Let dry. 
Step 2: Turn over and paint the top side in any color desired. Let dry. Using a paint pen or permanent marker draw a Tic Tac Toe grid. 
Step 3: Draw X's and O's on the top of some magnets. 

and YOU are DONE! The lip of the underside will help the chalk piece from rolling away while in the car. Have fun, play and they easily stow it away in a seat pocket when not in use!

Crafty Party link up! Check them out! 

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