Stitched subway art???

Diposting oleh fawaid on Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

RESTOCK the scarves 1 more time before the Holiday? Tell me your opinon 
A fun twist on Subway Art for the Holidays that has a bit of a "handmade with love" feel and fun 3D embellishments! 
Primitive Stitched Subway Art

Subway Art printable template (get yours HERE - Christmas or Family)
Scrap piece of fabric - enough for an 8x10 frame
coordinating embroidery floss
embroidery hoop
fabric marker
fusible fleece or quilter's batting 80/20 (OPTIONAL)
embellishments - buttons, rhinestones, scrap fabric, etc

step 1: Print out template. Cut background fabric just slightly larger than the glass from your frame.

step 2: (optional) Cut a piece of fusible fleece or quilter's batting the same size as your fabric. Adhere per package directions for the fleece. 

step 3: Trace the wording onto the fabric using a fabric marker (tip: I usually just trace half of the design, stitch, and trace the other half). Use a bright window or a light box as needed to trace the words.

step 4: Take your floss. To create different widths with the lettering split your thread. Try using 6 strands for thick and bold, 3 strands for a middle look and 1 or 2 for thinner less bold or thinner look. 

step 5: Position your hoop around the area you will work on. Thread your needle and tie a knot on the end.
Stitching - the HOW TO - Pick a point to start and up from the bottom side. 
Decide the length you want your stitches to be and go down through your fabric.

Come up again the same distance as the length of your stitches but AWAY from your last stitch (you will be stitching BACK to your first stitch) see photo below

Then go back down the same hole as the stitch before. Repeat around the entire letter or number. Tie off on the back when finished.

step 6: Stitch all the letters and numbers outlining bolder ones.....
and simply stitching the letters on others. Don't forget to vary the width of your thread if desired.

Step 7: embellish! Once you are finished, sew or glue on rhinestones, sequins, buttons or add a different colored or glittery thread for a 3D effect and some sparkle

Give it a quick press with a hot iron and place it in the frame without the glass and you are DONE!
 (Pssst! Here's a little secret. If you are wanting to give more than one away but don't have time to stitch all of them up, simply  create 1 and make color copies of it! The fabric and the stitching will copy beautifully still giving it that "handmade with love" look! )

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