Aegis software improves engagement for customer spectrum assembly

Diposting oleh fawaid on Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

HORSHAM, USA: Spectrum Assembly Inc. (SAI) has recently purchased Aegis iLaunch and iView Manufacturing Operation Software modules for their Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) operation.

Together, these provide SAI with a distributed, paperless environment to replace their earlier paper-based manufacturing process instructions. SAI purchased the software after their market investigation revealed it to be the most powerful yet most cost-effective solution available.

iLaunch allows automated development of text and graphics documentation for the production staff. It will also handle program generation for SAI’s Mydata production equipment, using Gerber files as input.

iLaunch’s role is comprehensive, extending to BOM management, component engineering, process route design and other functions essential to new product introduction and modification.

iView works seamlessly with iLaunch, sharing a common SQL database. iView automatically dispatches iLaunch-generated documentation to each workstation under revision control. It can also broadcast change notices, process deviations and quality alerts throughout the system immediately on request.

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