Micro Interconnects receives IPEX certification

Diposting oleh fawaid on Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

PORTLAND, USA: Micro Interconnects is the proud recipient of IPEX certification. The IPEX certification grants Micro Interconnects the ability to support all IPEX customers with Cabline V, VS, MHF, and CBL micro coax assemblies. These Micro Interconnects assemblies are offered in multiple position counts, standard, and custom cable configurations.

IPEX is the first company who successfully developed Small Gauge Coaxial Connector of gang wire termination type, and brought a sensation in electronics field by taking a major role for high-speed transmission in lap-top computers.

CABLINE-VS series are formally certified the latest VESA standard specification, "VESA 16:9 Wide Notebook Panel Standard Version 1" as a standard connector.

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