Summer in a Jar - Fingerprints on the Fridge

Diposting oleh fawaid on Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Hello friends! I'm so glad Megan invited me on over to hang out for the day!

 If you don't know me, my name is Rachelle and I write the lil' o blog Fingerprints on the Fridge.

These are my two silly girls who are really looking forward to summer fun. 

I wanted to share an idea that my family thought up to add a little spice to our life during the summer. Sure a list is fun but Summer in a Jar adds a little surprise to each day! Love it.

I started by getting a cookie jar, you can get them basically anywhere or even use a vase. I liked the size and style of the jar though, I got it at Wal-Mart for 6 bucks. Score!

Then comes the list, the list o' fun if you will. I asked for my kids ideas and some of my own and made a giant, colorful, some simple and some over the top rainbow list of things that we could do every day to make the whole summer special. Some are free and some cost a bit of money but you could make it however you wanted to make it work for your family. That's the beauty of the Summer of fun in a JAR.

Next I cut out all my strips of paper one by one, and folded them but not too tiny, I still want to see all the colors. :)

Then scramble them up and you can pick one out each morning and have a surprise added to your day on what to do! How freakin' fun is that? Some of my favorites are..

Coloring the whole sidewalk with chalk and making an outside gallery walk.
Riding our bikes to the Root Beer stand.
Going to the "big" zoo (Chicago's is closest to us. Love it there)
Using the baby pool and a hula hoop to make giant bubbles.
Coloring our hair, remember making kool-aid highlights when you were little? So fun.

Those are just a few, but the possibilities are ENDLESS.  

Make a lemonade stand, go to the beach, get out sprinklers, camp out side, camp in the living room, catch fire flies, make s'mores, spend the night at a hotel in town, go minature golfing, go to a water park, Fun stuff

Summer comes but once a year, let's make it F. U. N! I know for one my kids are going to be pumped to wake up every morning and pick out of the jar. And, if every day doesn't work for you how about just on Fridays? Or Weekends? Make it work for your family and add a little spice to your life

Feel free to stop by and say Hi!


Thanks again to Megan for having me, so much fun!

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