DIY Spectacle Necklace Anthro Knockoff from A Little Tipsy

Diposting oleh fawaid on Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Hi There! I'm super excited to be visiting here on Brassy Apple to share some bling. It is only fitting that the first time we met was sitting making Anthro knock-off necklaces at a blog conference.

I'm Michelle from A Little Tipsy.

I know what you might be thinking...A Little Tipsy? Nope. Sorry, I don't drink. Like ever. Bask in the irony.

I love to share creative projects that can be done during nap time for less than dinner out. I also host a weekly DIY Under $5 party. I love Nutella, despise all things cherry and refuse to accept that popcorn is not a meal.

So, on to the good stuff! When Megan asked for DIY accessory tutorials I knew just what I wanted to do, knock off the Quite a Spectacle necklace from Anthro! It is quirky and in true Tipsy fashion totally affordable DIY style!

Anthropologie version: $498 (no longer available) My version: $7.50
That's a 98.5% savings. ;)

6 pairs of reading glasses (dollar store)
Glasses screwdriver
8-10 Jump Rings 12 mm

1. Gather your glasses and remove all stickers. Use the tiny screwdriver to remove all the screws and take apart the frames. Lay six pairs of glasses in a pattern that you like to prepare to put them together.

2. Connect three pairs of glasses by placing the jump rings through the screw holes. Do this twice so you have two sets of three pairs.
3. Now connect the sets with three jump rings so the bottom of the necklace will be more rounded than pointy.
4. Add your chain. Use jump rings if it is just a chain. Mine was the chain to my husband's old pocket watch so I just looped it through one side and hooked it on the other.
Now put your awesome new necklace on and see what a spectacle you can make! And hey if you need reading glasses, you'll never be short a pair!

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